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Apprenticeship certified according to „Dualis“

BASS is one of the first companies to be awarded with the Dualis certification. External auditors confirm our high quality training.

On the 27th of February, BASS, together with another 20 companies was awarded with the certification “Dualis - a certified apprenticing company”. The Dualis certification process was initiated by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Heilbronn-Franken and six companies within this region. The aim of Dualis is to verify the quality of the apprenticeship in companies within this region and, at the same time, to detect potential for improvement.
The framework of Dualis includes a self-assessment consisting of 64 single criteria carried out by the companies. This assessment is then audited by external experts.
The auditing is based on a 5-phase-model which covers the whole process of the apprenticeship
1. recruiting of new trainees
2. initial phase
3. implementation period
4. examination stage
5. transition into permanent employment

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