We live the smart factory
An essential component of our commitment to be among the best is a modern IT landscape that connects all areas of the company. In production, we began early on to invest in connecting our machinery to our ERP. Our employees give impulses for improvements in the daily shop floor meeting and can inform themselves about their current implementation status around the clock. Each production area is equipped with its own digital shop floor station.
In the sales department, the field service has access to current article stocks and sees current orders. But more important: every sales representative can enter visit reports including tasks directly on the tablet. This is done in an app specially developed for BASS with a live connection to the internal sales department and application technology. This enables us to reduce internal and external processing times in order to meet the idea of Service Excellence.

Ideal environment for innovation
Transparent acting and flat hierarchies are the foundation of innovation. That is why we always meet and discuss at the same level. For us, innovation begins with the small, everyday things and leads to pioneering projects lasting several years.
We see ourselves as an innovation driver in our specialisation of internal thread machining with all necessary processes. Research and development are an important factor of our success. It is a matter of principle for us that this should not take place in an ivory tower. We are not afraid of oily hands. We develop what does not yet exist, either in-house or together with a long-term partner. Be it in information technology, measuring equipment or entire production lines, we always focus on the best quality with low, reliable delivery times and economic implementation.

Modern equipment and education
By investing continuously - but sustainable - in our machinery, we can always rely on the latest technology in production and co-develop new processes to meet our requirements.
Decisive, however, is also the training and further education of skilled workers in every process area of the company. We place great value on an individual training plan for each bassianer, both in production as well as in sales or administration. The transfer and development of knowledge and skills are important for each individual bassianer and for the company as a whole.
What was an innovation just a short time ago is now fully embedded in our processes. This is where we benefit from the size of our company. We can react in the shortest possible time and roll out and establish state-of-the-art processes throughout the company.
This is also the case, for example, with innovative grinding techniques, which allow us to produce new geometries for even higher performing tools for a wider range of applications. New types of cooling systems precisely guide the lubricant to the point during machining. High-precision image-based analysis methods allow us to investigate and derive improvements in macro and micro geometries. Our shop floor management is completely digital, free from paper. For software and hardware, we use standard components and combine them into a new, bigger whole.