BASS honored as family-friendly company
We are the first company within the Main-Tauber region that has received the award “family-friendly company” for a committed HR policy.
The award which is part of the project familyNET was presented to companies that have put a systematic, family-oriented HR policy into daily practice. Altogether, there are only 72 award winners within Baden-Wuerttemberg.
The project familyNET was initiated by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, employers and the State Council for Family Affairs of Baden-Wuerttemberg. To qualify for the award, each candidate has to take measures within ten different fields of action which have been implemented with great enthusiasm by BASS according to the audit report.
The award committee praised the various working models – ranging from the birth of a child and a flexible reentry to the release to care for sick dependents. In the event of nursing care, a specially trained guide additionally provides assistance and gives advice. Furthermore, our cooperation with the daycare association and the financial support for child care have been especially highlighted.